Domain Registration
What's in a [domain] name?
A domain name is roughly equivalent to your "location" and "phone number" on the Internet. Everyone knows how important a good location or easy phone number can be for a business. Your domain name may soon become even more important. Ideally, you should have a domain name that people will be able to remember and will associate with your product/service in order to find your website or to send you email.
Thousands of new domain names are registered Every Day
So if you haven't already registered one (or more) for your company, you should get them as quickly as possible. Even if you don't plan on developing and hosting a Website right away, you will still want to register a great domain name - before someone else does.
Think all the good .com domain names are taken?
No Way!!! Changes in the domain naming rules have made Millions of NEW .com domain names available. Also, every week thousands of .com domain names are
recovered due to non-payment!!
Act now - XyNexT can help
Develop a list of appropriate Domain Name options
Research and determine Domain Name availability
Register unique and memorable Domain Name(s)
Host a "business card" page at the new domain
Provide email boxes at the new domain name
Or forward email to your current email box
Contact XyNexT Today
before someone else registers YOUR domain name!
There are several variables associated with Registering a
new Domain Name
Free Emails
Free Pointing
And Many Others
We would be happy to assist you with the registration process.
Contact XyNexT
